Monday, February 04, 2008

Texas weather

Nothing beats living in Texas- nowhere else feels like home to me. Wide open spaces, and plenty of friendly faces, greet you every where you look. WELL-some are friendly and some honestly are quite scary, but you know what I mean. Texas has it all-including the most confusing weather you could imagine. Freezing cold one day and shorts weather the next day. On any given day-as I travel around the area as I work- I encounter nature at its finest. From delightful deer to crazy wild hogs, I never know what to expect. This morning I arrived at work all bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for another Monday to unfold, feeling rather good. As I unlocked the garage at 630 AM, a little bird flew out and whacked me in the head. Which in turn made me dump my whole cup of hot coffee all over my front side!! I then backed up abruptly and bumped into a coworker who dumped his coffee cup all over my backside!!
Needless to say-I had all the coffee I could possibly want, and the day continued to be a typical Monday. Oh well-guess it could have been worse.
Later gators

1 comment:

Larry said...

Be glad those wild hogs weren't after you.

The coffee would have been the least of your troubles.